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Tri Sugar Shield


Supports healthy blood sugar levels

The plant extracts in Tri Sugar Shield can:
Promote healthy glucose metabolism.
Support a balanced sugar production in the liver.
Help maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels.
Help inhibit sugar-digesting elimination.



Many ageing individuals experience rising blood sugar levels.
Despite a healthy diet and exercise, it can happen due to many factors, such as the rapid conversion of starch into glucose.
The result affects even health-conscious, active people, as they age.
An all-natural approach has been designed to support the natural balance of key glucose pathways.
Tri Sugar Shield provides three plant-derived nutrients that offer unrivalled optimal support for healthy glucose metabolism in ageing individuals.
Life Extension Tri Sugar Shield contains the following three nutrients:
Sorghum Bran Extract – a grass plant found in Southern Asia that helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Mulberry leaf extract – used in Chinese traditional medicine for centuries.
Phloridzin – a natural polyphenol found in various fruit trees. It helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
By targeting these diverse glucose pathways, Life Extension® Tri Sugar Shield delivers the widest possible support to help to naturally stabilise already healthy glucose levels.

Size 60 capsules


Life Extension

How to use

Suggested daily intake is one (1) capsule twice, immediately before the heaviest carbohydrate or sugar containing meals/ drinks, or as directed by a medical practitioner.


Sorghum bran (Sorghum bicolor) extract [providing 270mg proanthocyanidins] 300mg
White mulberry extract (leaf) [providing 7.5mg 1-deoxynojirimycin] 150mg
Phloridzin [from apple extract (root bark)] 50mg
Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, silica, stearic acid.

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